The old market, a fine bit of
architecture, was built in the late sixties but was gutted by fire just a
couple years after it was completed and lay abandoned until recently. The above
was published in my March Bayon Pearnik article. I caught some heavy flack
because my history of the old market was way off. I was first told the market
was built in 1904. That sounded way too early and considering where the info
came from that date seemed suspect. It came
from a Brit and his wife, who were both in their sixties. They owned a
bar called Bonkers; it wasn’t all that successful and they both in succession
drank themselves to death, so you see what I mean. Later when I read that it
was built in the early sixties, I ran with it. However, our amateur historian
kinda snarled at me as he searched out the net and found a aerial picture of
Kampot from the thirties which clearly shows the market. Still, hard as he
tried, he couldn’t find a definitive date for its opening or a time or reason
for its abandonment. I expect/hope it’ll all be clear when our new museum is
open. There must be some locals who know about it. Will keep you posted.
Cambodia’s troubles kept it derelict
for a long time until rehabilitation began about a year ago. It is now filling
up, though mostly on the outside, none of the inner stalls have been rented yet.
And in a curious juxtaposition, it’s bringing Khmer owned and oriented
businesses to the riverfront. Until the market opened nearly all the businesses
on the river were western owned or catered to westerners. In contrast, most of
the new shops are clothing stores typical of everywhere in the city, but
there’s also a tailor, a fancy “Mans Hairdresser” shop, tour/travel agents and
a mini-mart. I expected more of the souvenir, specialty traveler clothing type
to inhabit the market, but no, at least not yet.
At the front of the market facing
the river are two restaurants that provide a study in contrasts. One is western
styled with a thatched roof covering part of the large space, very nice plantings
and a pleasant ambiance. The other is a Khmer style fast food place
specializing in deep fried snacks, including chicken feet and meatballs and
assorted other foods on a stick. The atmosphere is strictly bare-bones,
cheap-plastic-chairs and -stools. It’s open only for late afternoon and early
evening snacks and does a booming business though rent is high and margins are
low so it remains to be seen how successful it will be.
There are lots of people around,
the place is hopping, with new guest houses, restaurants and bars opening up
regularly. I don’t mind having all those tourists around, especially knowing it’ll
quiet down considerably in a couple months. There’s also been some very fine
restorations of historic buildings. Kampot is a very old town, the country’s
first port, and it’s old district is relatively well preserved.
The former governor’s mansion at
the south end of the river promenade is being converted to a museum which they
plan to make free. They’ve removed the air-conditioners to save in maintenance
costs. Doing that has allowed them to open up and aerate the building: it’s
looking good. Just a bit further south the riverfront park has been extended
another 200 meters almost to the Aquatic Sports Center. I wouldn’t be surprised
if they intend to extend it even further. That area is largely undeveloped but
the way things are going, I expect it won’t stay that way long, especially with
a new park on the river.
The government has been going all out laying
asphalt on nearly all the city’s thoroughfares. They evidently think westerners
will be impressed by lots of nice pavement. They’ve improved all the park
strips and traffic circles, so what else is there? There’s no real park the way
we think of them in the west, but Cambodians don’t seem to grasp the concept of
large natural green spaces with miniforests, ponds, grassy areas, picnic
tables, and sports fields and courts. As a result, all they know about
improving the city is to lay more pavement. In my neighborhood, just north of
new bridge road, they’re going all out paving in concrete. I guess since it
requires no special equipment – as asphalt does - only lots of labor which is
cheap, it’s easier to do it that way.
As a measure of where Kampot is
going, as well as Cambodia as a whole, I’ll recount my land experience. I
purchased a 3000 meter plot 3 kilometers from town in 2008 in the last throes
of the late property boom for $4.60 per square meter - $14,000. In between the
time the contract was signed, but before the hard title was ready about 6 weeks
later, the owners were offered $20,000.
Within a year or so, I decided the
country gentleman/farmer life was not for me. At the age of 67 I couldn’t stand
having my mind constantly boggled by house construction and maintenance,
working the land and hiring local help; it was more than I could bear. However,
by then the market had crashed and the land was barely worth $2/meter - $6000,
so I was forced to wait to try to sell it. In the beginning of 2011, I offered
it at $9000 and found a buyer, who as it turned out, couldn’t finish the
payments. Last year I had two different people who really wanted it at $12,000
but didn’t have the money.
This year I offered it at $5/meter
and still no buyer: everybody agreed that it was a nice piece of land and the
price was fair but buying land is not like buying a cheap cellphone, it has to
be the right person. About a month ago a real estate guy who I’d talked to 2 years
before called and asked if the land was still available and what I wanted for
it: I said $15,000 - $5/meter. He showed it to friends (who didn’t know I had
land for sale) and said I wanted $6/meter! The longer I wait the more it’s
worth, pretty soon it’ll be $50/meter. Well, probably not. Anyway, I’d just as
soon sell it now at its current price before the next crash. It might not
happen for a couple years, but I’d rather not take the chance. Meanwhile, it’s
looking up for Kampot and Cambo.
On a sad and disturbing note, a
naked young French tourist washed up on the river about a kilometer from the
guest house she was staying in. By various accounts the police have a suspect
or suspects, but we all hope the got the real culprit(s) and not just fingered
the first bad guy who came along in order to have a quick resolution to the
case. While that type of thing can happen anywhere and Cambo is far safer for
us than a lot of other places in the world, it’s no less heart-rending and a
cause for concern.
Overload and Disconnect: About
three years ago Highway 3 between Kampot and Sre Ambel, where it connects to
Highway 4, was an excellent road, but once the reconstruction of route 3
between Phnom Penh and Kampot was finished, it became an alternate route for
big trucks heading from the capital to Sihanoukville. As a consequence, until
recent patching was done, it had become a shambles. It’s 20 kilometers farther
going via Kampot, but evidently, considering the tolls on Highway 4, it must
still be cheaper.
The reconstruction of route 3, as
all the national roads that I’m aware of, was done with a layer of bitumen tar
between two layers of gravel. The lower layer of gravel is rolled and packed
down, the tar is added on top then a second layer of gravel is just tossed on
top with the action of vehicles running over it creating a road surface. That
works fine for a road used by light vehicles, though even there, potholes will
develop quickly. As long as they are patched as soon as they appear the road
can last quite a long time. That type of surface is used because it’s a lot
cheaper than higher-quality asphalt pavement. If you’re driving on route 3
you’ll notice that the pavement on the bridges is asphalt, making a much
smoother ride than the rest of the roadway which is bitumen. I’m not sure why
that is, but it’s standard practice.
It’s a completely different story
when overloaded trucks, especially giant ones, use the road. In that case,
within a few months large sections of the surface are trashed. Cambodian truck drivers
have an obsession with getting as much as they can on their rig, regularly
loading 10 tons of material on a truck designed for 2 tons. Just recently in my
neighborhood one such truck packed high with 50 kilo sacks of salt backed over
a newly installed concrete drainage pipe buried under 10 or 15 cm of dirt and caved
it right in. To tell you the truth I didn’t feel all that sorry for the trucker
as I watched him as he was emptying most of the load so he could get the truck
back on the road, and then, of course, having to reload the whole thing. I also
wouldn’t sympathize all that much with him when his rig breaks down from
overloading… though I guess even stupid and/or inconsiderate people deserve
sympathy sometimes.
Overloading trucks actually
doesn’t save all that much money when you factor in expensive repairs, highway
breakdowns - which cost a lot more to fix - and the extra fuel needed to carry
an excessive load. Probably the worst offenders are the rock trucks used in
construction. The owners regularly raise up the sides 20 or 30 cm and then pile
the rock as high as they can. They are so heavy they can barely do 40 kph at
full throttle with the engine screaming. What’s more, some of the trucks that
ply our roads are so large to begin with, even before their capacity has been
expanded, that they would be too heavy to be allowed on American roads, so obviously
pure disaster for roads here made of a thin layer of bitumen. However, even the
new roads constructed of more durable asphalt are breaking up after only a year
or so.
With no firm regulations and no enforcement
of weight limits, the authorities will probably spend as much money repairing
roads as building them. The only completely legitimate way to enforce weight
limits would be by installing truck scales, not very likely here in the near
future. On the other hand, it isn’t that hard to determine the weight of some
materials, like a cubic meter of rock, and then measure the truck’s capacity to
determine how much weight it’s carrying. The biggest trucks aren’t necessarily
the worst offenders since it’s weight per axle that counts. Some of those,
which are never seen in America, have triple rear axles and double front steering axles. Along with the rock
trucks, there are lots of giant stake bed trucks, with only single rear axles, loaded
to the top with heavy materials.
The big truck problem is
compounded in Kampot by the location of the access road to the new bridge - finished
in 2010 - passing by the main entry to the public market. Public markets are
notoriously congested so having lots of miscellaneous, extraneous traffic
including giant trucks with their belching fumes, noisy engines and driver’s
tendency to excessive horn blowing, doesn’t do much for the neighborhood’s ambiance
or safety and is really not the way you design a city.
I have a degree in urban studies
and have spent extensive mental energy mulling over planning concepts all my
life so the problem was obvious to me from the start, but in this case the
disconnect is so clear that several people with no such background have
mentioned that problem to me. The planners faced a serious, though not
intractable, dilemma since there was no easy alternative; that is, there was no
other street they could’ve used that didn’t require purchasing expensive urban
land. Except for the need to purchase almost 200 meters of right-of-way the
street one block north would’ve been perfect since it’s largely fronted by
industrial uses, which since they already tend to be noisy and polluting, mesh
perfectly with highways. When developing greenfields, essentially blank slates,
planners are free to design at will, but when dealing with the city ‘as built’,
they are seriously constrained. In this case neither the bridge nor the market
are going to be moved to accommodate good planning.
Ultimately, the only answer in this
situation would be a bypass road or in the distant future a freeway. You never
want through traffic, especially when that includes large trucks, going through
a town or congested area. Until recently there was so little traffic in
Cambodia that that didn’t matter much. Besides, the country was lucky to have
any decent roads let alone modern limited-access highways.
One change likely to make a
difference soon is the completion of the Phnom Penh – Sihanoukville rail line.
Toll Holdings, an Australian company that has the concession to run the operation,
has run a test train over the track and for some time has run a train to the
Kampot Cement plant which is about halfway from the capital to Kampot. Bulk
cargo is always cheaper and less damaging to the environment to transport via
rail compared to road, so hopefully most heavy freight now busting up our
highways will switch to rail. Also hopefully, they won’t wait long to start
passenger service. The tracks are built for 80 kph trains and it’s only 150
kilometers from PP to KP so even with several stops it shouldn’t take more than
2/12 or 3 hours to make the run. Won’t that be great.
Also, bus services have improved
immensely since I first started making the trip 6 years ago. Back then the trip
took six hours or more, considering the condition of the roads, the extra
distance of going through Kep (at the time the southern leg of highway 3 was
almost impossible for large buses to negotiate) the road from the highway to
Kep was a 15 kph dirt road, and the bridge 10 k’s east of Kampot was under
construction. Now there are two big-bus lines going direct which cuts the trip
down to 3 1/2 hours, and two ‘luxury’ minibus lines offering a very fast and
comfortable ride. Still, nothing compares with a train ride where you can
easily get out of your seat and walk around. Trains are also far superior
scenically since the tracks go through the countryside as opposed to buses
passing by lots of trashy roadside buildings, not to mention, here in Cambodia,
honest-to-goodness roadside trash.